DNAČ     Overpopulation. It's killing the Earth of the future. And, believe it or not, it's the fault of just one boy in our time period who is called the "Megaplayboy"! This Megaplayboy, as future history has it, impregnated 100 women, and each of his 100 offspring (all male, for some reason) had the Megaplayboy DNA and became Megaplayboy's themselves, each impregnating another 100 women, etc. etc. So rather than have the Earth overrun by a butt-load of horny boys, Aoi Karin -- a blue-haired DNA operator of the future -- is sent to the past to alter the DNA of the Megaplayboy before he has a chance to reproduce. Karin-chan makes it to our time, all ready to shoot the Megaplayboy with the DCM (DNA control medicine) bullet, but... there are a few problems: One, the supposed "Megaplayboy" is allergic to women!! And to make matters worse, Karin herself falls in love with the Megaplayboy which she is supposed to destroy! DNA² is a series of 15 half-hour episodes.       - Kiwi

-Quick Scale- (click here for the details on scoring)
  10 = EXCELLENT!!
   5 = Average
   0 = TERRIBLE!!

Daigoji Gai
Artistry 8 6 7
8 9 9
Clarity 8 7 8
Plot &
8 7 7
Style 9 4 8
Comments Wonderful! I loved it! I thought this series was great... from the very beginning, I found the plot enticing and unique... and although the plot somewhat slows down after the first two or three episodes (though it picks up again in the last two), I found the characters developed more and more as the series progressed. While the plot slowed down and the drama picked up, I found the refreshing humor to stay throughout the series. As for touching moments, I particularly found episode 13 to be quite well done, and perhaps one of the most touching moments in my anime viewing history -- or at least right up there with ShinKOR and Mahou Tsukai Tai episode 5. All in all, a wonderful series with lots of humor, drama, and a new, funny storyline. I heartily recommend it!! DNA^2 was a good series. The artistry in it was pretty well done. I would have given it a higher ranking except for the fact that it was animated for television so some of the sequences weren't put together too well. However, of the anime that I have seen this has the best character development so far. While it is shorter than the normal 26 episode series you would usually find on TV, it still takes time to introduce and grow each characters feelings and motivations. The plot was pretty simple on the television episodes and is wrapped up later in the 3 OVA episodes, but I felt that even though the loose ends got tied up, the show would have been better without the OVAs. Style got a low score because sometimes the episodes dragged on too much over one little thing, mainly Would Junta score, because it would affect the story so much I guess, but it dragged too much for me to appreciate. All in all, I'd recommend this to my friends. This is another one I really enjoyed. The artistry was good, the character development awsome, and the plot was different. While it had it's really funny moments, it had it's sad/touching ones too, and that is so hard to pull off. They did, which is impressive in and of itself. The only thing that I did not like about this series, was 1. the music 2. the eye annoyed me, and I'm not sure why. This is a series that you should definately see!
OVERALL  8 7 8